Friday, October 12, 2007

The Interview

Person-in-Charge: Your resume was impressive. You have some experience, but do really understand what this job entails?

Me: From what I hear, this position will require a lot of responsibility and energy.

Person-in-Charge: (chuckling) That is an understatement. Beyond that, you will need to be completely selfless. Your time will no longer be yours -- at least for a while.

Me: I imagine it could get exhausting, but I think I have the stamina to pull through.

Person-in-Charge: Are you prepared to work over night? And, then be on call all day?

Me: Sure. That's what coffee is for, right?

Person-in-Charge: Right. You may have to deal with some "difficult" personalities...whiners, cryers, maybe some jealousy and brattiness. How will you handle that?

Me: I think I am a patient person. I also have a great sense of humor and I can laugh a lot off.

Person-in-Charge: Can you handle stress?

Me: Definately. Sometimes it gets to me, but I think I function well in intense situations.

Person-in-Charge: What about multi-tasking? How are you with that?

Me: (laughing) Well, I am a woman, after all. Aren't we all naturally gifted in that area?

Person-in-Charge: Very true. Seriously, are you capable of a love so powerful that it may stop you in your tracks?

Me: Sounds intense. Is it even posibble to love another as much as I love my first?

Person-in-Charge: You will be suprised. I should tell you, there is absolutely no monetary reward for this position. Are you still interested?

Me: Hmmmm... You know, I was terrified and aprehensive about this before, but I have been told I am a risk taker; I am a little crazy. So, yes, I do want this job.

Person-in-Charge: Wonderful. Then your title will officially change from "Executive Manager of One" to "CEO of Two." Your benefits will include feeling frazzled, exhausted, overworked and underacknowledged. However, the best perk, won't be experienced for several years -- you have to earn it -- there will be lots of hugs and kisses from your crew. Here is the best thing: Eventually, you'll see your hard work pay off and you'll be filled with such pride you'll know that every sacrifice was worth it.

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